The Data Quarry


It’s been two months since I discovered BAML, an AI framework that helps get better structured outputs from LLMs — and it’s been enabling me to experiment with numerous LLMs at a mad pace. 🚀 And in my conversations with Vaibhav Gupta (CEO of BoundaryML, the team that makes BAML), I’ve come to realize that I have the tendency to underestimate LLMs for most tasks. One particular thing that Vaibhav said got me thinking — LLMs have been getting better and better at not only reasoning, but also at memorizing large amounts of factual knowledge and recalling it on demand. This combined ability of modern LLMs can be viewed as an asset that can be used to enrich datasets with new knowledge.

In my work as an AI engineer, I regularly come across datasets that are incomplete, and in many cases, it’s quite hard to obtain augmentation data sources to improve them for downstream tasks. Why not run an experiment to see how LLMs do in comparison to prior methods?

In this post, I’ll lay out how I reframed the task of dataset enrichment as a classification problem in my case, and how I used BAML to test and evaluate prompts for multiple LLMs. Along the way I’ll do my best to illustrate how the rapid iteration cycle in BAML — from an initial idea to producing a result that can be tested and evaluated quickly — is the key reason why building with BAML is so effective while being a ton of fun!

I hope that by the end of this post, you’ll be excited to try out new ideas and get your hands dirty with LLMs, with BAML at the helm!

Problem definition#

The dataset used in this post is a fascinating mentorship network of 3,529 scholars, including 700+ Nobel Prize laureates who won prizes between the years 1901-2022. The scholars (who worked with or mentored the Nobel laureates) go back hundreds of years, all the way back to the days of Galileo and Isaac Newton in the 16th & 17th centuries! The network contains very interesting tree structures, as shown in the image below.

Nobel Prize laureates and their mentorship tree
How we build and analyze this Nobel Laureate graph is a topic for another post!

The dataset is obtained from this source and was part of a study that aimed to identify the level of influence in the networks of Nobel Prize laureates. The raw data from the study was made publicly available in the form of MATLAB files, and it only contained the names of the scholars, and in the case of Nobel Prize laureates, the year and category of the prize. Only four Nobel Prize categories (Physics, Chemistry, Physiology & Medicine, and Economic Sciences) were present in this dataset.

As I looked at the data more closely, some pertinent questions related to gender imbalance emerged, for example: What is the ratio of female to male laureates per Nobel Prize category?1. However, the available dataset did not contain any gender information, so if I want to answer these kinds of questions, I’m left with the following classification task:

Given a scholar or laureate’s name and any additional information (e.g., their prize category and the year they were awarded the prize), can we classify whether they are male or female?

Potential solutions#

The conventional approach to this gender classification problem would be to use a rule-based system (lookup tables) that match a given scholar’s first or full name against a database of known male or female names. Nowadays, there are several commercially available gender classification APIs, such as Gender-API or, that can be used to perform this task for a small fee.

The main limitation of rule-based systems is that they can get confused in the case of names that are common in both genders (e.g., Leslie, Daryl, etc.). Also, these systems are unable to leverage additional context — in this case the given dataset contains valuable additional information about laureates, such as their prize category and the year they were awarded the prize. However, unless there is a specfic pre-existing lookup table that contains the names of the laureates and their genders, a given name that’s ambiguous in gender can easily be misclassified by a rule-based system. Rule-based systems do not generalize to new, unseen scenarios.

What about supervised machine learning? It’s definitely possible to train an ML classifier that learns from a training set of annotated data, but this approach requires that a large enough corpus of annotated data with known names and their genders is available in the first place. Even so, the best such a model can do is make predictions based on simple associations of subword features with a given gender, or subword units that have no semantic meaning in and of themselves.

However, we now live in the age of LLMs, which are trained on incredibly large amounts of data. Through the process of training, an emergent “reasoning” ability is observed in these models, along with an impressive knowledge base obtained through memorization. Given the nature of this task, it’s perfectly plausible that an LLM trained on a large corpus of text from the web has seen the names of these well-known scholars, scientists and Nobel laureates. Can we leverage a combination of the LLMs’ memorized knowledge and their reasoning abilities to classify the gender of scholars in our dataset?

That’s the main goal of this post! We’ll compare and contrast the following methods:

  • Gender-API ( An “AI” powered gender prediction API that has a large database of culture-aware names and their associated genders
  • LLM 1: openai/gpt-4o-mini: OpenAI’s fast, low-cost and general-purpose LLM
  • LLM 2: google/gemma-3-12b: Google’s open source, reasoning-capable LLM, with 12B parameters
  • LLM 3: google/gemma-3-27b: The same open source reasoning-capable LLM from Google, but its 27B parameter variant

As engineers, we can only convince ourselves that the performance is acceptable with quantifiable metrics and by running some experiments. So, let’s get our hands dirty and build a BAML workflow that does this!

BAML workflow#

BAML can be used via several client languages, but in this post I’ll be using Python. Once the BAML CLI is installed via uv add baml-py, we are presented with a baml_src directory, in which we can begin creating the BAML schema and prompts.

LLM clients#

BAML supports a variety of LLM clients, including OpenAI, Ollama, Google and many more. In this post, I’ll be using a custom Ollama client2 that serves Google’s recent gemma-3 models, as well as our noble workhorse, OpenAI’s gpt-4o-mini. The inference parameters are set as per the Gemma team’s best practices for Ollama, and separately for gpt-4o-mini.

// Learn more about clients at
client<llm> GTP4oMini {
    provider openai
    options {
        model "gpt-4o-mini"
        api_key env.OPENAI_API_KEY
        temperature 0.1


Since the task is to classify a given name (and any added context) as belonging to a particular gender, we can do this by defining an enum (enumeration) in BAML. An enum is a good fit for this sort of task, because it allows us to define an arbitrary number of possible categories the LLM can predict, so this approach generalizes well to other classification scenarios.

enum Gender {
  Unknown @description("When you are not sure of the final answer")

Note that there is an extra category, Unknown, along with two gender categories, Male and Female. The @description annotation is optional, but it’s a good idea to add this to tell the LLM to use this when it’s not sure of the answer.


The context is provided to the BAML prompt as follows: we combine the scholar’s full name with the following extra information if they are a laureate:

  • The year they were awarded the prize
  • The category of the prize

If the scholar is not a laureate, the prompt only includes the scholar’s full name and that they are a scholar. This means that the LLM will have to use its best judgment to reason about the origins of the name or use its memorized knowledge to make a prediction. BAML uses the user-provided context to construct the prompt, whose formatted version is shown below.

function ClassifyGender(info: string) -> Gender {
client OllamaGemma3_27b
prompt #"
  Based on your knowledge of historical scholars and scientists, determine the likely gender of this person.
  Scholars who are termed laureates won the Nobel Prize in a category.

  ONLY respond with one gender.

  {{ ctx.output_format }}

  {{ _.role("user") }}
  {{ info }}

If you look at the “Formatted prompt” tab, the input to the function is a string that contains additional information about the scholar where available.


One of the single best features of BAML is the ease with which it’s possible to test prompts, even before writing a single line of application code. From within the IDE, you can define a test that observes the results on edge cases that are known to be challenging for certain LLMs. Here’s the initial tests we can write for the gender classification task.

// Example 1: Abdus Salam, 1979 Physics Nobel Prize
test ClassifyAbdusSalam {
functions [ClassifyGender]
args {
info "name: Abdus Salam\ninfo: 1979 Physics Nobel Prize"
// Answer: Male

Running the tests on a variety of names, we can quickly build confidence in the prompt and scale up the execution in the next step, where we’ll begin writing the application code.

Run pipeline#

We are now ready to scale up the inference via a Python script that leverages the BAML prompt that we just tested. The BAML CLI’s codegen utility takes care of translating the BAML type definitions into Pydantic models, which can then be used in the Python script. For every BAML source file, it will generate corresponding sync and async client classes. The example below shows how to use the async client and Python’s asyncio library to run the pipeline very efficiently, on your locally running GPU or via an LLM API.

import asyncio
from baml_client.async_client import b

async def main():
    scholars = [
        "name: Niels Bohr\ninfo: 1922 Physics Nobel Prize",
        "name: Rita Levi-Montalcini\ninfo: 1986 Physiology or Medicine Nobel Prize",
        "name: Andrea Ghez\ninfo: 2020 Physics Nobel Prize",
        "name: Elaine Tuomanen\ninfo: scholar",
    # Define async tasks
    tasks = [b.ClassifyGender(scholar) for scholar in scholars]
    # Gather the results from all the tasks
    results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
    for scholar, gender in zip(scholars, results):
        print(f"{scholar} -> {gender.value.lower()}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # male
    # female
    # female
    # female

The ClassifyGender function from BAML is called in the BAML client, and the inputs from Python are passed to the BAML client, which is responsible for all things related to the LLM. The result is a string representation of the Gender enum, which can be lowercased and printed to the console.

It was trivial to scale up this pipeline to rapidly generate predictions for the full list of 3,529 scholars! The code for this is a bit more involved (and includes a rich progress bar), so you can see it in full here.

Gender-API workflow#

Gender-API is a commercial API that can be used to classify the gender of a given name. As per their website, it uses a combination of a lookup from a large database of names and their associated genders, as well as “AI” (presumably a trained machine learning model) to make a prediction on the gender of a given name.

The code to make async requests to Gender-API looks something like this:

# Async function to get gender from Gender-API 

async def main():
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        scholars = ["Rita Levi-Montalcini", "Niels Bohr", "Andrea Ghez", "Elaine Tuomanen"]
        tasks = [get_gender(scholar, session) for scholar in scholars]
        results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
        for gender in results:

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # female
    # male
    # female
    # female

The full code is available here.


It’s time to compare the results between the different methods!

Total female predictions#

Let’s begin by tabulating the total number of cases for which each model predicted a female gender. This is trivial — all we need to do is count the number of occurrences of the value "female" in the output of each model.

MethodTotal female predictions

Even at first glance, the LLM-based predictions of female scholars/laureates are much more in line with each other than Gender-API’s predictions. Eyeballing the results from each method, it’s clear that there are far more false positives from Gender-API than the LLMs. Let’s see some examples of names that were wrongly predicted by Gender-API, but correctly predicted by all the LLMs.

Scholar nameGenderAPIopenai/gpt-4o-minigoogle/gemma-3-12bgoogle/gemma-3-27b
Gordon Ada (male)❌ female✅ male✅ male✅ male
Frederick Penny (male)❌ female✅ male✅ male✅ male
Zhicen Lou (male)❌ female✅ male✅ male✅ male
Youyou Tu (female)❌ male✅ female✅ female✅ female

Gender-API gets confused with surnames like “Ada” and “Penny” that are traditionally female names, but lacks the domain knowledge to understand that in most cultures, surnames are not indicative of gender. This is a common problem with classical machine learning models, which can learn the wrong associations between features in the data. The other cases that Gender-API commonly gets wrong are rare names from diverse cultures, which is another classic symptom of classical ML models (failure to generalize to unseen data).

The LLMs get these case right likely due to their memorization of the training data, and the fact that LLMs tend to learn a lot of the right associations between features during their training.

Female Nobel laureates#

As of 2025, there have (sadly) been only 65 female Nobel laureates in all of history3. When you narrow down the list to only include female laureates who won a prize in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology/Medicine, or Economic Sciences, between the years 1901-2022, the number drops to just 26. 🤯

With this small a list, it’s trivial to human-annotate all the names for each category using knowledge from the Wikipedia source3, following which we can clearly tabulate the number of predicted/actual genders from each method.

MethodPhysicsChemistryPhysiology/MedicineEconomic Sciences
GenderAPI❌ 8/4❌ 14/8❌ 17/12✅ 2/2
openai/gpt-4o-mini✅ 4/4✅ 8/8✅ 12/12✅ 2/2
google/gemma-3-12b✅ 4/4✅ 8/8✅ 12/12✅ 2/2
google/gemma-3-27b✅ 4/4✅ 8/8✅ 12/12✅ 2/2

Random sample of names#

The next result we’ll look at is the accuracy of each method on a random sample of 75 scholars whose genders were also human-annotated. These 75 were randomly chosen from the full dataset of 3,529 scholars, and upon closer inspection, some of these are problematic and can be quite challenging to classify without additional context, even for humans, as we’ll see below.


Of the 75 names in the human-annotated dataset, Gender-API only predicted 72% of the genders correctly, while the gemma-3 models got 97% of the names correctly classified. gpt-4o-mini wasn’t far behind, getting 89% of the names correct.

Below are the only two sample names that were wrongly classified by the gemma-3 models. They’re quite ambiguous, and hard even for humans (unless you’re already culturally familiar with French names in this case).

Leonor Michaelis: True=male, Predicted=female
Leonor Caron: True=male, Predicted=female

It’s quite possible that had there been additional context provided, for e.g., that these scholars belonged to a particular institution, the LLMs may have gotten these predictions correct.

Unknown gender#

Across the three LLMs, there were 62 names that were marked as “Unknown” by at least one of the models. Let’s first look at the accuracy numbers of the predictions for all these names “Unknown” by the LLMs (certain LLMs got right what the others got wrong). To make the comparison, these 62 names were human-annotated using best judgment from source on the web. Below is a table showing the accuracy of each method.


The first thing that stands out is that gemma-3-12b and gemma-3-27b perform much better than gpt-4o-mini and Gender-API — both of which got less than half of the names from the human-annotated data correct, meaning that they got confused more often than the gemma-3 models. The fact that gemma-3-12b got more names than gemma-3-27b correct is interesting, more on this below.

Here are some sample names that were marked as “Unknown” by each LLM.

AJFM Brochant de Villiers: True=male, Predicted=unknown
Allvar Gullstrand: True=male, Predicted=unknown
Essaie Colladon: True=male, Predicted=unknown
Harusada Suginome: True=male, Predicted=unknown
Pafnuty Chebychev: True=male, Predicted=unknown
Zhores Alferov: True=male, Predicted=unknown

Gender-API marked a total of 25 names as “Unknown” gender, and it commonly struggles in the following cases:

  • Names that have initials (e.g., “AJFM Brochant de Villiers”)
  • Names that are very uncommon (e.g., “Essaie Colladon”)
  • Names that are from diverse cultures (e.g., “Harusada Suginome”, “Pafnuty Chebychev”, “Zhores Alferov”)

The LLMs tend to do better with these scenarios because they can bank on their memorized knowledge, and as can be seen in the examples above, they tend to only mark names as “Unknown” if they are indeed very uncommon names. Notice how Gemma-3’s 12b model is much more confident, marking fewer cases as “Unknown” than its 27b counterpart. This is worthy of a further investigation, which we’ll do below using Chain-of-Draft (CoD) prompting via BAML.

Chain-of-draft (CoD) prompting#

It’s worth doing a bit more analysis to gain a more nuanced understanding of the seemingly good performance of the gemma-3 models. We will use a technique described in the paper Chain of Draft: Thinking Faster by Writing Less. As always, BAML’s playground, interactive testing and rapid iteration cycles make experimenting with LLM prompts this way an absolute breeze.

CoD can be thought of as a less verbose form of chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning, where the LLM is asked to only keep a minimum draft of its reasoning process, rather than storing the full chain of thought, which can be quite verbose. The CoD prompt is defined in BAML code where we append to the original prompt the following lines (highlighted below).

// Chain-of-Draft (CoD) prompting
function ClassifyGenderCoD(info: string) -> Gender {
  client OllamaGemma3_27b
  prompt #"
    Based on your knowledge of historical scholars and scientists, determine the likely gender of this person.
    Scholars who are termed "laureates" won the Nobel Prize in a category.

    ONLY respond with one gender.

    {{ ctx.output_format }}

    Think step by step before answering. Only keep a minimum draft for each thinking step, with 10
    words at most. Make sure you try to recall the answer from your internal memory.
    Return the final JSON object at the end of the thinking process.

    {{ _.role("user") }}
    {{ info }}

The gemma-3 models predicted the least number of unknown genders, and in general, got the most predictions correct. However, recall from above that gemma-3-12b marked fewer names as “Unknown” than gemma-3-27b. Why is that? It would be natural to expect that the 27b model is more powerful and should make better predictions.

We can use CoD prompting to inspect the reasoning process of both these models to gain a deeper understanding of their reasoning process.

// Example 1: Aime Cotton, a male French physicist
The name "Aime Cotton" sounds French.
Nobel Prizes are awarded to scholars.
Historically, fewer women have been Nobel laureates.
The name suggests a male scholar.

"gender": "Male"

Interesting! gemma-3-12b predicts the gender correctly, but not for the right reasons. It uses a much simpler and more biased reasoning process, such as the the fact that Nobel prizes are normally awarded to men, and rushes to judge that Aime is a male name because of this fact. However, gemma-3-27b uses a much more nuanced and deliberate reasoning process, first recalling from its knowledge that Aime is a traditionally male French name, but without any further context, it comes to the conclusion that the gender is most likely male.

gpt-4o-mini outright hallucinates that Aime Cotton is a “notable female physicist” (he was a male Physicist), so it gets this one totally wrong.

Let’s look at another example, Merle Battiste, a male American chemist.

// Example 2: Merle Battiste, a male American chemist
Scholars receiving Nobel Prizes are often men.
Battiste doesn't appear in Nobel laureate lists.
The name "Merle" is more commonly male.

"Gender": "Male"

gemma-3-12b notes that it doesn’t have any information about the name “Merle”, because it’s an uncommon name, but once again, because it uses a biased and simple reasoning process that most Nobel prizes are awarded to men, it settles on the “male” gender. The gemma-3-27b model, on the other hand, isn’t entirely convinced that the name “Merle” is always male, and even though it knows men historically dominate among Nobel Prize winners, it judges that the gender is “unknown”. gpt-4o-mini goes through the same reasoning and comes to the same conclusion as gemma-3-27b in this case.

Cost vs. performance#

No analysis of an LLM-based workflow is complete without discussing the trade-offs between cost and performance. The following table shows the cost of running each method for 3,529 predictions, as well as the run time it took to complete. Note that the run time noted for the LLMs is for the asynchronous runs, either through the OpenAI API or a custom Ollama client2 that can handle multiple requests in parallel. On average, there are ~80 input tokens per request and ~6 output tokens (all we output is a gender enum from BAML), making this whole exercise really fast and cheap!

MethodCost (USD)Run time (min)

Gender-API is 2 orders of magnitude more expensive than the LLMs, because their licensing model is archaic and the only way to access it is by buying a monthly subscription to their API. 😒

The gemma-3 models are open source, and the only cost incurred is the energy used to run the GPU. OpenAI’s API is still incredibly cheap, at $0.06 for the entire set of 3,529 predictions. Isn’t it incredible that we live in an age where we can access the power of low cost, fast, reasoning-capable LLMs like gemma-3 and gpt-4o-mini for a tiny fraction of the cost of a cup of coffee?! All while being more accurate than pre-existing methods and allowing us to enrich the original data with the LLM’s own knowledge! 🤯

From a cost and performance perspective, the LLMs are found to be a highly favourable option, because any cases marked as “Unknown” can be inspected by a human, and the very same evaluation methodology can be scaled up to include more test cases, allowing a greater degree of confidence in LLM-driven predictions. This applies to other domains as well, and in my opinion, BAML can play a key role in this process due to its relentless focus on DevEx, which allows teams to rapidly test and iterate on their prompts using the latest and greatest LLMs.

Strengths of BAML#

Iteration speed#

The biggest benefit of BAML is the tight feedback loop between the prompt and the LLM’s output. Understanding the impact of a change to a prompt takes seconds, because you can immediately run the entire test suite, either in the UI or through the CLI.

(Left): BAML code (Right): Actual prompts and test results

As I’ve begun using BAML more and more in my LLM workflows, I’ve come to appreciate the ease with which I can test prompts, evaluate the results, and iterate with confidence. The BAML UI makes the prompts themselves totally unambiguous and transparent. In my experience, prompting LLMs the “BAML way” captures issues and failure modes in prompts well in advance of application-driven test suites downstream, increasing the pace with which an idea can be translated into code.

Prompt engineering DevEx#

From a developer experience perspective, doing prompt engineering in BAML is just amazing. In BAML, you test the prompts themselves, and you have access to the LLM’s raw outputs. By inspecting the raw LLM outputs alongside BAML’s final outputs, and combining this with chain-of-thought, or chain-of-draft prompting, it’s possible to gain a much more nuanced understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each model for the task at hand.

In BAML, every prompt is a function, and the BAML runtime forces the developer to write at least one unit test. You can very quickly create tests for numerous edge cases in your domain. Then, when you find that a shiny new model just came out, simply swap out the client in BAML (as easily as shown above), and rerun your test suite (either in the UI or via the CLI) to see how the new model does on those edge cases, without even writing any code in the application language. It’s that simple!

No vendor lock-in#

There are many LLM prompting frameworks out there, and it’s easy to get locked into a particular one, whether it’s a proprietary framework or an open source one. Once you do, it’s really hard to switch to a different framework or LLM because the prompts may break in weird ways. Not to mention that a lot of these existing frameworks simply don’t have the level of developer experience that BAML does, particularly when it comes to testing and iterating on prompts. Because BAML is independent and open source, you can live in peace knowing that you can immediately swap out LLM providers the moment something better comes along. And you’re not stuck with the rigid APIs and pricing models of proprietary frameworks.


Glad you made it this far, and although this was a long post, I hope it was informative! In my view, based on the experiments shown here, LLMs are indeed capable of assisting with data enrichment tasks, assuming that sufficient thought is given to the task definition and the prompt engineering stage. Because the dataset used in this post involves real-world historical scholars, it was straightforward to build an evaluation suite to compare and contrast the performance of three LLMs vs. a gender-prediction API. I hope it’s amply clear that it’s really important to not take the LLM’s results at face value, however, and to do a more thorough analysis of the outputs, as was demonstrated here.

Where to from here? I’ll be using this enriched dataset of scholars and Nobel laureates with their genders to run more in-depth network analyses in future blog posts, so stay tuned!

As BAML continues to grow, evolve add more cool features, I see myself solving more and more kinds of problems using LLMs with it. To learn more and engage with the awesome BAML community, join their Discord, and give them a star on GitHub!

Have fun building your LLM workflows with BAML! 🚀

Code & acknowledgements#

To reproduce the experiments and evaluations shown in this post, check out this GitHub repo.

A huge thank you to my friend Noorain Panjwani, also known as YourTechBud, for generously providing me with his GPU for the asynchronous runs of the gemma-3 models, and for patiently brainstorming and debugging issues with Ollama inference settings with me on a Sunday morning 😄. I also highly recommend joining the YourTechBud Studio Discord to chat with more BAML users like us and other awesome folks who are building agentic workflows — see you there!


  1. See this immersive article from for some interesting insights into the Nobel Laureate mentorship network and how it tends to skew towards a small, male-dominated group of prolific scholars.

  2. The custom Ollama client used here is a wrapper around the Ollama API that’s maintained by Noorain Panjwani, here. It uses an Nvidia RTX 3090 GPU with 24GB VRAM for the runs. See this gist for the Ollama model configuration used. 2

  3. See this Wikipedia page for a list of all the female Nobel laureates in history (it’s shocking how small it is). When you trim the list down to include only the Nobel laureates who won a prize in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology/Medicine, or Economic Sciences, between the years 1901-2022, the list shrinks to just 26 female laureates in that period. 2

Using LLMs to enrich datasets: A case study with BAML
Author Prashanth Rao
Published at March 23, 2025